You must be familiar with Popcorn Time by now. It is renowned as one of the most popular online movie streaming platforms. Wondering why it is so popular? The main reason is that it is FREE. You can enjoy all the latest movies and TV shows without any cost and right at your fingertips. However, it is important to note that using Popcorn Time is not completely secure and it is banned in some countries. Therefore, before diving into your viewing binge, it is crucial to explore the top VPN options for Popcorn Time to protect your online activities.
Enjoy unlimited streaming and torrenting, anywhere in the world and protect your privacy online. With this exclusive offer, you can use ExpressVPN 30 days, risk-free!
Before we get down to business, let’s lay out everything you need to know about Popcorn Time first.
Unlike what you’re probably thinking of already, Popcorn Time is not simply a streaming service. It’s actually a mix for both torrents and streaming. Because of this, it needs to use P2P (person to person) technology to be able to allow the viewers access to its movie library. And it is exactly this technology that has gotten it in trouble with some governments in the past.
Now let’s talk about the issue behind Popcorn Time. If you didn’t already know, it actually violates some copyright laws due to their free distribution of movies to the public. Haven’t you ever wondered why you can watch it for free on their website whereas you’d have to pay for other streaming services? This is because other services pay for movie rights. But we can’t complain because we’re willing to do anything for free movies.
It was rumoured that in 2015, a few European countries started taking action and issued fines to Popcorn Time. This scared off a few of its users because that’s when they realized they could actually be monitored by police authorities. It’s this reason precisely why we need to start using a VPN to shield us from unwanted snoopers. A VPN keeps out those that want to look in on our personal information and online activity.
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Now that you know what is Popcorn Time VPN, you’re probably wondering if you really need it or not.
Like I said earlier, if you want to look out for your online safety, you should get a Popcorn Time VPN. Some of the VPNs you’ll find are actually catered specifically for streaming. So from this alone, you’re guaranteed to have the most easy-going experience because the Popcorn Time VPN is optimized for streaming.
But you actually get a lot of benefits besides streaming. Because a VPN works by changing your IP address, you can use it to access geo-restricted sites too! Take Netflix for example, the UK library only has about 1/3 of the US movie selection. So, if you want to get the full library, you can simply use a VPN to make it look like you’re in the US and voila! You have all the complete movie titles at the tip of your fingertips.
And if safety is your ultimate concern, then don’t sweat it because they have a lot of security features in place like a kill-switch and a no-logging policy. This policy promises not to keep any logs of your activities and history. So you can rest assured, your privacy is kept secure.
Try ExpressVPN Now
Save 49% + 3 Months FREE (Valid Until February 2025)
A lot of people consider using a free VPN but as much as I hate to burst your bubble, it’s not recommended. Nothing good comes without a price and the same goes for VPNs. Usually, the free providers don’t have the same privacy policies as the premium ones. They keep your information and sell them to companies looking to advertise their own products or services.
Another thing you should know about is the quality of these free providers. Most of them aren’t even capable of streaming because of their very limited data cap. In fact, some only allow you 500 MB per month. There go the hopes of free unlimited movie streaming.
If you actually try and get a paid VPN, you won’t regret it. Nothing can compare to all the benefits you’d be getting plus all the added server locations and security.
What if I told you there is a way to get a premium VPN service for free? A provider called [link_vpn_free] is not only the most used VPN out there, they let you use ALL their services for free.
This also works really well with Popcorn Time. Because it has over 3,000+ server locations in over 90+ countries, you can choose wherever you want to “be”. This is why they are so famous for being the fastest and secure VPN services on the market today. They even come in easy to use applications for your mobile devices.
ExpressVPN has a 30 day money back guarantee that allows you to use all its features within the time period. If you want to discontinue your subscription, you can simply ring their customer service and ask it to be terminated. You don’t need to give them an explanation because as a top VPN company, they don’t ask questions. They give you the money back right away so there’s no shady business going on here.
If you still have no idea where to start on your Popcorn Time VPN, you’ll find this step by step guide quite helpful. And don’t worry, it’s very simple and easy to follow.
If you still have no clue how to go about it, you can always call ExpressVPN‘s trusty customer service. They can walk you through the installation process in a breeze.
Now that you have everything you need to know about the best VPN for Popcorn Time, go ahead and get one to start binge-watching all those movies for free!
Always remember to keep your safety first and to never let anything compromise your personal information. Try out one of the most trusted and best VPN for Popcorn Time to get the ultimate experience.